



Only falsehoods I perceive at every turn
Whether I look with my mind or my eyes.
If I look at a palace of a god-like king,
thousands of falce portraits I see ;
If I linger in museums,
I admire the hyperbolic painted canvases;
a flattering beauty a liar's face
points at me when I eagerly gaze at it.
Schools of philosophy are a multitude of fables.
and neither is the sky stingly with false appearances,
as when the sun colors the iris with a rainbow.

(Translation: John Picchione)

【蛇足】まことしやかな虚像から、一瞬で「ほんとう」が現れる。サンティニャツィオ教会のクーポラ (アンドレア・ポッツォ作)的な。